Inspiration Moment

Forgive the radio-silence around here, I'm knee deep in cool projects and exciting collaborations...all to be posted some day ahead! In the mean time I wanted to share this video.
Last year I took an amazing calligraphy class where much of the 2 hours were spent practicing, chatting with classmates, and lunching (it was more social than serious study...good times!). I was lucky enough to sit with insanely talented San Francisco illustrators Wendy MacNaughton and Lisa Congdon. Hearing them talk about their work, their sincere passion, and their journey to becoming full-time artists was nothing short of inspiring. Since then I have been following their blogs and enamored with their work. Today Lisa posted the below video, a window into her day as a professional illustrator. She said something so poignant, I had to share:
"The most important thing in life, I think, is love. So respecting yourself enough and your intuition enough to get up and do what you love everyday. And I realize that that's a privilege, not everybody is in a situation where they can get up and, for example, paint all day for a living, or whatever it is that makes you happy even if that's sweeping the floor. But in American culture we come from this Puritan work ethic where it's like you must suffer and life is hard and I feel like I even sort of have a little bit of that in myself and so I have to pinch myself after several years of having this career where I feel happy and fulfilled..."
What an inspiration to pursue and do what you love.
Lisa Congdon - Like Knows Like from Like Knows Like on Vimeo.